DAFTAR PUSTAKA Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie, 2013, Hukum Keluarga Indonesia, Sinar Grafika, Jakarta. Ahmad Rofiq, 2003, Hukum Islam di Indonesia, Rajawali Pers, Jakarta. Beni Ahmad Saebani dan Syamsul Falah, 2011, Hukum Perdata Islam Di Indonesia, Pustaka Setia,


  • Elfira Agustina
  • yanzalzisatry yanzalzisatry


Marriage of siri is marriage which is its execution only pursuant to rule of religion regardless of rules and regulations, especially regarding record-keeping of marriage which there are in section 2 sentence ( 2) number 1 year 1974. its problems that is: ( 1) what is the factor which caused marriage of siri in district of Blangkejeren sub-province of Gayo Lues Aceh Province, ( 2) what is effect of arising out of marriage of siri, ( 3) what is the effort oflocal government to prevent the happening of marriage of siri. Research method which is used in this research was research of sociological law based on the primary data. Nature of this research is descriptive. Data collecting technique is through interview and data analysis used qualitative method. The result of research indicate that factors which are caused marriage of siri is that; for no bless and permit of old fellow, pregnant outside marrying, tight of polygamous permission for public civil servant, costly of him of is expense of record-keeping, couple age still is underage, there is no polygamous permit of previous wife and assume record-keeping of insignificant marriage. Arising out legal consequences of marriage of siri is to domicile assumed wife null and void, difficult in management of child birth certificate and cannot conduct suing to justice in problem of divorce and division of riches property. Efforts which are done by government is doing counseling to society, doing counseling at adolescent of school and mosque, and improve knowledge of religion.
Key words: Marriage of siri, Legal Consequences


