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Dissenter rights is the right to refuse to give testimony, or retreat from the testimony. Notary
dissenter in the right entails an obligation not to speak , so that the Notary is not only the right
not to speak, but have no obligation to talk. In using this Notary broken right there are some
interesting issues to be studied is how the right to refuse the use of testimony in front of the
Notary in the State Court Class IA Champaign, as well as the right to refuse the use of law as
a result of the Notary as a witness in court . The type of research conducted by the author is
legally sociological. The author collected data from State Court Class IA Champaign and
several respondents involved in the case of a broken right Notary. The data were analyzed
qualitatively. Based on the research results , notarization is Partij deed, deed in which the only
load on the statements of the parties who came to the Notary. Notaries can not be said to have
committed a violation of the Sale and Purchase Commitments deed as mentioned above,
because of what was stated in a notarial deed is the will of the parties , in which the notary is a
public official authorized. In the civil case number : 52/PDT/2011/PT.PDG. Notary principal
defendants in Case II : Deed of Sale dated June 16, 2005 Nomor.37/PT/2005 above ground
object cases to trial.

Keywords : Right , dissenter , Notary , Testimony

Daftar Pustaka
Abdul Ghofur Anshori, Lembaga
Kenotariatan Indonesia, Perspektif
Hukum dan Etika, UII Press, Yogyakarta,

G.H.S Lumban Tobing, Peraturan Jabatan
Notaris, Erlangga Jakarta, 1992  
Habib Adji, Hukum Notaris Indonesia, Tafsir
Tematik Terhadap UU No. 30 Tahun 2004
Tentang Notaris, Refika Aditama,
Bandung, 2009

Irawati Koesoemawati cs, Ke Notaris, Raih
Asa Sukses, Jakarta, 2009

Kohar, Notaris Berkomunikasi, Alumni
Bandung, PT.Bina Surabaya, 1983
Komar Andasasmita, Notaris 1, Sumur
Bandung, 1981

Kurdianto, Sistem Pembuktian Hukum Acara
Perdata, Usaha Nasional, Surabaya, 1991
R. Soebekti, Hukum Acara Perdata, Bina
Cipta, 1982

R. Soegondo Notodisoerjo, Hukum Notariat
di Indonesia Suatu Penjelasan, CV.
Rajawali, Jakarta, 1982
Sudikno Mertokusumo, Hukum Acara
Perdata Indonesia, Liberty, Jogyakarta,

Wirdjono Prodjodikoro, Hukum Acara
Perdata Indonesia, Sumur Bandung, 1982

K.U.H.Perdata, PT. Pradnya Paramita,
Jakarta, 1983

Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004,
Tentang Jabatan Notaris

Sumber lainya  
Biro Humas dan HLN. Hasbullah, Notaris
dan Jaminan Kepastian Hukum,


