Penerapan Pembalikan Beban Pembuktian Terhadap Terdakwa Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang


  • Aidil Mahlil
  • Syamsur Tasir
  • yetisma saini


Money laundering is a criminal offense in Indonesia which sisitemik and extends so that
not only the state financial harm , but also has violated the rights of social and economic
society at large , proving the case in court of money laundering is done carefully , the
judge should have confidence before deciding the case of money laundering , The
problem is 1 ) How does the application of the reversal of the burden of proof of money
laundering ? 2 ) Is the Judge constraints in the application of reversal of the burden of
proof ? Types of normative research , data collection techniques such as document study
of primary legal materials of secondary legal materials analyzed qualitatively , the results
of this study concluded that the judge gave an opportunity to the accused to prove the
origin of their wealth is not the result of a criminal act , the judge obstacles encountered
in the implementation of this reversal of the burden of proof that the method of reversal
of the burden of proof is contrary to the presumption of innocence , as a logical
consequence of the principle of presumption of innocence is to the suspect or the accused
is given the right by law to not provide testimony that would incriminate him or adverse
conclusion that the reversal of the burden of proof is very necessary to examine a
defendant's money laundering case , the results indicated that the wealth of money
laundering can be immediately seized and secured , the reversal of the burden of proof
implementation constraints are not illegal because the basing of law No. 8 of 2010 on
combating money laundering , that the implementation of the reversal the burden of proof
is an excellent method to answer the problem of evil origin in money laundering

Keywords: burden of proof, the defendant, laundering, money

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Kitab Undang-undang Hukum  Pidana

Undang-undang No 8 Tahun 1981
tentang Hukum  Acara Pidana

Undang-undang No. 48 Tahun 2009
tentang Pokok Kekuasaan

Undang-undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2010
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Pencucian Uang.


