A criminal liability not only to the person who committed the crime in a conscious state, but also to influence people in a state-liquor drink (alcohol), also what held accountable criminally, because drunk people are also against the law of nature. The problems that the authors studied are as follows: (1) How the application of criminal liability to criminal homicide committed under the influence of liquor at the Padang District Court 334 / Pid.B / 2007.PN.Pdg. (2) How to Judge judgment on the crime of murder committed under the influence of liquor. Normative research is assessing the District Court's Decision 334 / Pid.B / 2007.PN.Pdg. Data collection technique used is the study of documents or literature, with qualitative analysis Based on the results of this study concluded. (1), the application of criminal liability imposed by the judge to convict the accused with imprisonment of 5 years. (2), consideration of the Judge in the criminal act of murder committed under the influence of liquor, which is considered burdensome and ease.
Keywords: Liability, Crime, Murder, Booze.
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