Prisons are correctional institutions in implementing guidance to citizens auxiliaries. Penitentiary system of coaching in the form of personality development (spiritual, national and state awareness, intellectual ability, legal awareness, to integrate themselves with society), independence and physical development (gymnastics, sports) Problems in this study: 1) How does the system implementation guidance inmates Prison Class IIA in Padang? 2) Are the obstacles encountered Prison Class IIA Padang in efforts coaching prisoners? 3) Are efforts made by Penitentiary officers of Class IIA PadangĀ in overcoming obstacles that arise in the development of prisoners? This study uses sociological research methods, data sources derived from primary and secondary data, engineering data collection using interviews and document study, and the data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that the implementation of the guidance system of the inmates seen coaching conducted by the Correctional Institution personality development, fostering independence and physical development. In this case the constraints encountered such a problem Excess capacity, facilities and infrastructure, the budget is less addressed by the local government and human resources are not maximized. Efforts made Penitentiary in overcoming obstacles that arise in the development of inmates that given a freedom and conditional remission.
Keywords: Systems, Development, Inmates, Prison
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