
  • Muhammad Daud Daulay
  • Yetisma Saini
  • Syafridatati Syafridatati


The responsibility of government to perform of transportation commission has been established on the regulation No.22 in 2009 about traffic and transportation moda. One of the implementation of law supremacy toward the transportation commission was do the investigation toward them who involved in general based on the act of traffic and transportation moda. The formulation of problem where what’s the implementation of law supremacy toward the transportation committee due their negligence in reconstruction of highway caused traffic accidence, 2) what kinds of obstacles did find by the police in doing the law supremacy of transportation committee due the highway accidents around Polresta Padang. The type of this research was judicial sociology approach, the source of data consisted of primary data and secondary. Technique of data collection used interview and documentation study. Data was analyzed qualitatively. Conclusion of this research were 1) the implementation of transportation commission due to their negligence in reconstruction of highway caused the highway accidents in Polresta Padang, presenting and interrogating the eyewitness and recall official head of Public Work, to do the investigation. 2) some other obstacles was found by the police in holding the law supremacy  to them who had negligence due the highway accidents at Polresta Padang: i.e. the difficulty in getting of information from eyewitness, unrelated information between official head of Public Work and existing highway regulation. The Public Work Office did not responsible to the victim.


Key words :implementation, law supremacy, transportation commission


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C. Sumber Lain:

Http:// padang-rusak/





