The role of expert witnesses for proof of criminal procedure plays an important rolein a corruption case. Expert testimony in the form of writings or letters are usually
written in the form of an investigation report containing the expert opinion based on
his expertise about something or some formally requested state from him. The issues
to be examined are 1) How does the role of expert witnesses in corruption cases? 2)
How does an expert witness on the strength of evidence of corruption? This type of
research is a socio-juridical, source of data is the primary data and secondary data,
engineering data collection were interviews and document study, the data were
analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study concluded: 1) that the expert witness
has a very important role in the proof of corruption, as an expert witness testified that
the light can make a trial, and the expert witness is also useful to convince the judge
when the evidence presented less optimal. 2) the strength of evidence of expert
witnesses has a value of strength of evidence is free, has no binding force values and
determine, and the assessment is completely up to the judge.
Keywords: Witness, Experts, Criminal, Corruption
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