
  • Hendry Kurniawan
  • Fitriati Fitriati
  • Syafridatati Syafridatati


There is an increase of sexual harassment in Padang, it is soon to be overcome, the crime of sexual abuse is any sexual act overtly or covertly imposed. Issues raised in this paper are (1) Is the root causes of the crime of sexual abuse of children in the city of Padang (2) How is the response to the crime of sexual abuse of children by police in the city of Padang (3) Are the constraints in the response to the crime of harassment child sexual by police in the city of Padang. This study used socio-juridical approach. The data used include primary data and secondary data. The data obtained through interviews and document study. The data were analyzed qualitatively. From the study it can be concluded that (1) the root causes of the crime of sexual abuse of children in the city of Padang is the biological factors, soul and personality factors, educational factors, mass media and movies factors, environmental factors (2) the response to the crime of sexual abuse of children by police in the city of Padang is preventive and represife (3) constraints in the response to the crime of sexual abuse of children by police in the city of Padang is the victim does not want to report, are often no witnesses in criminal acts of sexual abuse, the victim delayed reporting, it is difficult to get testimony from witnesses, victims convoluted in providing information.


Keywords: Effort, Response, Crime, Sexual Harassment,


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