
  • Muhammad Fiqhi Sovana
  • Uning Pratimaratri
  • Yetisma Saini


Terrorism is a crime against humanity and civilization as well as a serious threat to the sovereignty of the country and is organized crime. Many crimes of terrorism in Indonesia, seizing attentions of the International. United States also providing funds to Indonesia especially Police to send delegation to be trained by the Central Intelligance Agency (CIA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This is the formation of a special unit to address the problem of terrorism in Indonesia. The Writer examined the problems is 1. How the role of special contra Terror Police detachment in Combat terrorism 2. What the specific constraints faced by the contra Terror Police Detachment in eradicating terrorism. Type of research is empirical research methods/sociological. Data sources is primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques is interview and study documents. Data were collected analyzed qualitatively.  From the research results can be explained that: (1) The role of Special Detachment contra Terror Police in general is a special unit of the National Police to do prevention, imposing for terrorist activities and operations personnel release hostages when terrorists doing a crime hostage. (2) Constraints faced Specific contra Terror Police Detachment is in the form of internal and external constraints.


Keyword: Role, Detachmen 88, Terrorism, Police


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