Adultary is regulated in the Criminal Code and Minangkabau customary law. According to the customary law, adultary is a copulation that is done between man and woman do not married. Do not depend on the people who are not married or married. The solutions of the case of criminal customary about adultary is done by customary justice. The fornication is done by a pair of young people who have not a relationship or unmarried. The problems of talked in this thesis are (1) Existence of Minangkabau customary criminal law about adultary. (2) How is the solutions of the case of the customary criminal law about adultary. (3) What is the sanction that is enforced by customary law. This researh is conducted by sociological juridical. The sources of the data are primary data and secondary data. Technique of collecting the data were interviewa and study document. The technique of analyzing the data was qualitative technique. The conclusions of the result of the research are (1) The violation of the customary law is known by society. (2) The completion is done in the Kerapatan Adat Nagari office at the customary justice. (3) The sanction that is enforced fines as well as the apology to the society, because their residences have dirtied by the offender.
Key words : Law, Custom, Minagkabau, Adultary
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