A credit card is a plastic card issued by a bank or other financing agencies that are given to the customer to be used as means of payment and cash withdrawals. In practice, credit cards not all of the original issued by the issuer (issuer), because there are some forgery of credit cards by taking data for fake credit card then in use in fulfilling his needs. Raised in this study i.e., (1) how does the consideration of judges in criminal proceedings against the perpetrators of the forgery dropped credit card (credit card), (2) how will criminal practices by the judge against the perpetrators of the forgery of a credit card (credit card)? This research uses the juridical normative approach, limited to just examine the verdict number 545 KPid2011. This study uses two data sources are primary and tertiary legal materials as well as analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that the judge's Consideration of credit card abuse perpetrators justifies the reason Judex Facti (the High Court) which is not wrong in applying the law, Judex Facti (the High Court) had considered the circumstances lightened in accordance applicable provisions, the weight of authority is a criminal ringannya Facti Judex. Criminal practices of this case by the judge against the perpetrators of the forgery of a credit card that is declined the appeal filed by the Prosecutor.
Keywords : Justice, Crime, Counterfeiting, Credit Card
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