The existence of trafficking in women and children, the poverty factor and bicos factor studi the present low and illiteracy, the lack of a birth certificate, and this causes them to be in an unfavorable position disegala area of life and they too are objects that will be commercialized by piahak parties are not responsible. Lnigkup space problems in the writing of this thesis is how is the legal protection of women and children as victims of human trafficking (trafficking in person)? How does the shape of the efforts taken in tackling the trafficking of women and children? What forms of legal aid has been granted to victims of trafficking in women and children? The type of research that used the author's method of normative legal research i.e. research conducted on the written rules and the forms of official documents or disebutjuga with secondary data composed of primary legal materials, secondary law and legal materialstertiary, taken qualitatively. Based on the results of the research concluded that legal protection of women and children as victims of human trafficking is seen from the Cedaw Convention On women's rights, while Indonesia has law No. 21 of 2007 about the pemberantas the crime Trade people, there are several other forms of protection, such as directly integrated services centre, integrated services centre at the police hospital, women and children protection home, Ministry of women and children, for the repatriation of victims of trafficking, womenscriss center. The form is in the response effort that koraban women and children trafficking, the present National as been issued no. 88 of 2002 Concerning the abolition of the trade, deceasedwomen criss center. The form is in the response effort that koraban women and children trafficking, the present National as been issued no. 88 of 2002 About the removal of deceased trade, been issued no. 181 in 1998 aiming to erase human trafficking, while the diitingkat international socio-economic Council, such as the UN, the first World Conference on women, CEDAW, universal declarasionwoment right 1984, convensi on the right of the child. Legal aid given victims of trafficking in women and children, such as the establishment of legal
keyword: marriage, customs, legal consequences
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C. Sumber lain:
Medan bisnis-trafficking-meningkatdaritahunketahun.http://azmiati
Bandung. Kompas human trafficking.http//
Bisnis-kasusperdaganganmanusia, Jawa Barat.http//
Kelangkaanlapanganperkerjaanmerupakanfaktorpendorong yang sangatkuat, peneltiansolidaritasperempuan
Program kerjadankegiatangugustugasberdasarkanperaturanmentri coordinator bidangkesejahteraanrakyatNomor: 25/KEP/MENKO/KESRA/IX/2009
makalah-human-trafficking-pengertian ttp://
LandasanhukumkomnasHAM . http//