
  • Arvin Yudhistira Pratama
  • Dwi Astuti Palupi
  • Deswita Rosra


The disaster happened in particular  by human such as war, ethnic conflicts, discrimination, and so forth make people both in small and large quantities move from one place to another, this displacement up to even cross the line State. A displacement passed the boundaries of this country did not immediately resolve the problem. New problems arise precisely because they are over the limit State would not necessarily have a clear legal status in the countries where they took refugees. The protection of refugees is already has regulated in international law. But in practice there is still a lot of offense. Rohingya refugees is one of the examples of refugees who are denied their rights are often violated, even they often got the persecution. This led to some displaced Rohingya to flee to another country to seek shelter. UNHCR has a role in tackling the flow of refugees Rohingya and of course obstacles an impediment in handling refugees this. With background problem was collected problems, the formulation in the form of how refugees Rohingya in international law? what role UNHCR in dealing with refugees Rohingya? and obstacles what transpires in handling refugees Rohingya? This research used the normative legal research methods that are more focused on cases which has existed by using secondary data sources and qualitative analysis. The results obtained in this study that the protection of refugees is already pretty much regulated in international law, but in practice there is still a lot of offense. UNHCR as international organizations dealing with problems of refugees was instrumental in providing the recognition of refugee status for the country's Rohingya refugees do not yet have a national legal instrument for the determination of refugee status, in addition to long-term solution within the framework of the UNHCR role in finding countries willing to accept the refugees. As for the resistance obtained by UNHCR in dealing with displaced Rohingya, among others, that the real lack of coordination, lack of personnel and not comparable with the number of jobs. Keywords: Refugee protection, UNHCR, Internasioanal Law.


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