Toba Batak customary law prohibits community members to marry outside the tribe, but with the number of arrivals to the Batak Toba, Toba Batak intermarriage with Javanese unavoidable. issues to be observed are 1) how the implementation of marriage, 2) what the legal consequences of the marriage. in this study the authors use this type of sociological research, the source data consists of primary data and secondary data, data collection technique using the interview technique, the data obtained and analyzed qualitatively. From the study it can be concluded: 1) to be able to carry out the marriage between Toba Batak society with people of Java, the Java community is first appointed as the Toba Batak tribe using traditional ceremony, 2) as a result of marriage for the Java community will be the Toba Batak society. For the husband / wife who comes from the Javanese with the marriage it does not cause out of his biological relatives. To the child that the child still inherits the clan of the parents and children closer ties to the family of his father. To assets acquired before marriage are retained each depending on the agreement, the property during the marriage will be controlled by the husband. Against the legacy that his children both men and women still get inheritance.
keyword: marriage, customs, legal consequences
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Peraturan perundang-undangan
Undang-undang No 1 Tahun 1974, Tentang Perkawinan
Kompilasi Hukum Islam