
  • Rene Descartes
  • Adri Adri
  • Suamperi Suamperi


Credit approval or agreement of loan borrowing between banks with another party that invitees borrow pay off debts after a certain period of time with a grant of interest, Of trucks and the payment of an installment of credit after a divorce the fact happened many a symptom of problems, resulting in credit in this respect, the problem that arises is how payment implementation of an installment of credit after a divorce. Constraints faced in the implementation of payment installment credit after a divorce, and the efforts to overcome the constraints in implementing the payment installment credit after divorce. It is certainly a writer requires a research method used i.e. the juridical sociological research methods that relate the applicable invitation militate by looking at the existing reality, the situation after the divorce, and the efforts to overcome the constraints in implementing the payment installment credit after divorce. In terms of research conducted that payment implementation of installments credit after divorce not all runs well, happened many symptoms resulting in non-performing / congestion. The obstacles of course a debtor is unable to perform its obligation in performing a duty that deals with credit, because of that effort that can be done in various ways that has become the existing regulations, on banks, to overcome obstacles faced by a debtor and creditor. And is expected to all the customers who has the obligation against funding institution especially of the bank in order to keep trust in order to achieve a desired goal.

Keywords: Property, Installment Credit, Post, Divorce



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Sumber-sumber ( 10 mei 2014


