Sanksi Adat Terhadap Perkawinan Sesuku Di Kecamatan IV Jurai Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan


  • Ryan Hidayat
  • As Suhaiti Arif
  • Desmal Fajri


Minangkabau Traditional forms of marriage exogamy, marriage may be the origin of marriage was not tribe, so that no violation of the provisions of the customary marriage it is necessary that tribal customary sanctions. In fact a lot of players who violate the provisions of the Minangkabau traditional marriage. Problems studied are 1) What factors are behind the clan marriage in the District of South Coastal District IV Jurai? 2) What are the customary sanctions given to perpetrators of traditional leaders marriages that occurred in the District of South Coastal District IV Jurai? 3) How is the implementation of sanctions against the perpetrators of customary marriage in the District IV Jurai tribesmen of South Coastal District ?. Sociological research method is juridical. The data used primary data and secondary data. Data analysis was performed with qualitative. The results of the study 1) the factors underlying the occurrence of marriage in the District IV Jurai tribe is the depletion of a sense of family, and perceptions of customary provisions are not binding and contrary to Islam. 2) Sanctions are disposed along the customary customary and banished to a place far away from the customary environment, once in a lifetime, but the actors are given a provision to continue his life, 3) implementation of sanctions against the indigenous tribe marriage is ninikmamak or sanction by the traditional leaders based Indigenous decision-density regions
  Keywords: Sanctions, Traditional, Marriage tribe


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C. Sumber lain

Majalah Nasehat Perkawinan No. 109 ke x Juni 1981


