PSSI as the main organization of football in Indonesia, it has several football clubs, that is Semen Padang FC. In participation, Semen Padang FC has a good achievement in various competitions. In order hand, there is a possibility that the event of default. In this study, the problem is 1) how the implementation of the agreements are made by the football players of Semen Padang FC, 2) how is the form of default in the agreement between the football player with the Semen Padang FC's club and the way to resolve it. The research used a socio-juridical method, using primary and secondary data source, as well as interview data collection techniques and study documents, and qualitative data. Based on the result research can be concluded 1) the implementation of the agreements are made by the Semen Padang FC's club consists of the pre-contractual stage / deliberation, the selection stage and the stage of making a written contract. 2) There are 3 forms of default in the agreement between the football player with Semen Padang FC's club were the late payment of salaries, player absent and not discipline from the training schedule when attending training. The way arrangement was confirmation by to management club and through the consensus agreement between the football players with Semen Padang FC's club.
Keywords: Implementation, Agreement, Football.
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B. Peraturan Perundangan
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C. Sumber-sumber lainnya.
Statuta PSSI diakses 6 september 2013, diakses tanggal 18 Agustus 2014 diakses 7 september 2013
Wikipedia, Semen Padang, melalui situs http://wikipedia/, diskses tanggal 10 November 2013 di akses pada tanggal 20 Oktober 2013.