
  • Yul Sandra Defril
  • Nurbeti Nurbeti
  • Suamperi Suamperi


Licensing is an administrative authority possessed by the government to do something specific exemption that was originally banned in order to oversee community  facilities, the implementation of this permit also contained in the physical construction of the building called IMB. For the implementation of this permit have many obstacles that the author raises the issue of how the implementation of building permits in the District Kinali of West Pasaman. What the constraints are in the implementation of this licensing. The method used in this study was a method of sociological research was conducted directly spaciousness to obtain primary data or data base. The results of this study it can be concluded that the implementation of building permits in the District Kinali of West Pasaman still not running optimally. What led to the implementation of the IMB. Which is an obstacle not only to the government but to the very large influential community due to lack of awareness of the importance of the maintenance function IMB. Government efforts to overcome these problems by socialization, they do it by billboards and written warning at containing the new permit or demolition orders, and controlling by  satpolpp and effort to provide ease in handling delegated to the districts based on local regulations number 4 in 2013 about building permits and licensing objects are described by the regents decision number 14 of 2013 about the delegation of governement authority in field of licensing service in area of local government West Pasaman.

Keywords: Implementation  IMB, Process Licensing, Building, Law.


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