Implementation of legal aid in proceedings in the Military Court I-03 Padang. Provided for in Article 216 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of Article 217 paragraph (1) of paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of Law No. 31 of 1997 on Military Justice has set the protection of human rights in the first place in accordance with human dignity as God's creatures that live on this earth, especially regarding the rights that exist in the military service members to obtain legal assistance in seeking justice . The designation of the implementation of the Legal Aid. Of the Decision Letter No. 09 - K / PM I-03 / AD / II / 2012 with the defendant "Hendratman" Military Court I-03 Padang. Problem Formulation 1). How is the implementation of the provision of legal aid in proceedings in the Military Court I-03 Padang? 2). Are the obstacles encountered in the provision of legal aid in proceedings in the Military Court I-03 Padang? The research approach used socio-juridical. Source of data obtained from the primary data and secondary data. The technique of collecting data using interviews and document study. Dianilisis data is qualitative. The results showed that the implementation of legal aid pembeian Military Court I-03 Padang. In accordance with the rules of the Law on Military Justice. While the obstacles encountered in the provision of legal aid in proceedings in the Military Court Padang I-03: 1). Lack of Human Resources (HR), which holds a Bachelor of Law (SH), 2). Costs, 3). The process of getting legal advisers require a long time.
Keywords: Aid, Law, Courts, Military