Police Efforts In The Eradication Of Gambling In Padang City’s Stalls ( Studies in the Kuranji Police Sector and East Padang Police Sector)


  • Hardia. A Hardia. A
  • Uning Pratimaratri
  • Yetisma Saini



Gambling is a community disease that conducted at the stalls in the city of Padang. Gambling is prohibited by the Legislation in force and regulated under Act No. 7 of 1974 on Gambling Control. Eradication of gambling in the city of Padang, especially those conducted by the Kuranji and East Padang Police Sector by conducting raids on information obtained from the public or from the results of the raid or patrol police itself. The problems of the study are : 1) How police efforts in the eradication of gambling in Padang city? 2) What obstacles were found by police in combating gambling in the stalls in the city of Padang?  This study used socio legal reseace approach . Source of data, primary data and secondary data. Data were colleced  by interviews and documentary study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Conclusions of the research are 1) Police efforts in the eradication of gambling on the information/data submitted by the public, then the information is followed up by visiting the gambling establishments, as well as collecting items of evidence, 2) constraints faced by the Padang Police Resort to eradicate gambling is a) Lack of police personnel; b) Lack of adequate infrastructure in the implementation of tasks; c) Lack of cooperation between institutions; d) The form of gambling that is partial; e) Lack of community participation.


Keywords : Effort, Police, Gambling, Eradication


