In fact, humans have many reeds.All of ways have been done to fulfil it, either in the form of work that is commonly done even commit the crime of thefting.One of which is thefting of livestock. The criminal thefting of livestock often occurred in Pesisir Selatan Regency the problem examined were: 1) What were the factors causing the occurrence of the criminal thefting of livestock in Pesisir Selatan regency? 2) How was the effort mode by the Resort Police of Pesisir Selatan in tackling the criminal thefting of livestock? 30 What were the obstacles faced by the Resort Police of Pesisir Selatan to cope the criminal thefiting of livestock? This research used a sociological juridical approach. The data used in the form bof primary data colleted from informant and secundary data collected by the study of documents. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively. Based on the result of this research concluded that 1) The factors causing the criminal thefting of livestock in the Resort Police of Pesisir Selatan were the geographical factor, regligencing livestock owners in keeping livestock, crush economic factor, and the ineffectiveress of the police role in uncovering cases of thefting of livestock. 2) Several attempts have been made by the Resort Police of Pesisir Selatan were uncovering and breaking the thefting of livestock syndicate, conducting the investigation, ambushing, and revealing the underlying crimes. 3) The obstacles faced were tacking of information from public about the incidence of the criminal thefting of livestock in their territory, lacking of the evidence, and the witnesses who stated not transparent.
Keywords: Prevention, Crime, Thefting, Livestock