Registered Luggage Compensation Garuda Indonesia Missing Passengers On a Flight From The Airport of Departure and Arrival (Minangkabau International Airport case study fields)


  • Dhean avianti
  • Adri Adri
  • yofiza media



In the process of air transport services occurs care items (baggage) between passengers with the carrier, so that there is a right and an obligation and responsibility of the carrier. The problem is (1) how the shape of the loss suffered by a passenger checked baggage? (2) whether the problems in the compensation process? (3) how the remedies to be taken in the process of compensation baggage Garuda Indonesia? This type of research juridical sociological approach, with primary data were interviews with Garuda Indonesia and passengers who suffered losses and also using secondary data. The results of the study are (1) the form of damage to checked baggage is lost, damaged, and damaged followed by theft, (2) obstacles in the process of compensation baggage that is the distance that must be taken by Garuda Indonesia to return the luggage or provide compensation, (3) remedies are taken by passengers can file a complaint letter to Garuda Indonesia.

Keywords: Compensation, Carrying Luggage, GIA.


