The Implementation Of The Gold Pawning Agreement At PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri In Padang
The implementation of gold pawning is a new financing product which is available in the world of banking. It also gives the ease for the society to get fund from PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri, such as capital of business or education fund by using gold to be guaranteed. The problems of the research are: How does the implementation of gold pawning agreement at PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri , Padang branch office? What are the problems in facing the implementation of gold pawning at PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri, Padang branch office? How to solve the problems in agreement implementation at PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri, Padang branch office? The type of the thesis research is sociologic research which uses primer and secondary data as the source of data. From the result of the research is concluded the implementation of gold pawning agreement in syar’i way gives a new opportunity to society to get fund quickly by using gold as the guarantee to the Bank. The procedures are the clients bring gold directly to be pawn and the requirements which have been determined to Bank’s authority. The problems faced at syariah gold pawning are the wrong interpretation of the value of the clients’ be guaranteed for the fund given by the Bank. The solution of the problems is recall the clients to reconsider the gold as guarauted goods.
Keywords: The Implementation, Agreement, and Gold Pawning