
  • Arie Faddly
  • Fitriati Fitriati
  • Syafridatati Syafridatati


The development of information technology and electronic media provide convenience , one of Short Message Service ( SMS ) via mobile phones . Defamation through electronic media stipulated in Article 27 paragraph ( 1 ) of Law No. 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions " . The research problem is , 1 ) How implementations of criminal investigations defamation via SMS in Champaign Police , 2 ) How do constraints investigation of criminal defamation via SMS in Champaign Police ? 3 ) How is an attempt to overcome the obstacles the investigation of criminal defamation via SMS in Champaign Police ? Research conducted sociological juridical approach . Data sources are primary data and secondary data . Data collection techniques are interviews and document study . Results penelitian1 ) implementation of the investigation of criminal defamation via SMS in Champaign Police is through a report or complaint , warrant investigation task , heard the testimony of the victim , the collection of evidence , witness examination and make the dossier containing the testimony of witnesses , expert testimony and the Notice of Beginning investigation ( SPDP ) , a brief resume , delivery docket . 2 ) Constr to the prosecutoraints Police investigate the crime of defamation via SMS in Champaign Police are remotely to obtain expert testimony ITE to Department in Jakarta 3 ) Efforts to overcome obstacles investigation of criminal defamation via SMS in Police Police investigators Padang Padang is the has been awarded a letter of assignment and introduction to Jakarta to request information expert in ev me examination idence in the form of SMS. Keywords : Crime , Pollution , Good Name , Media Electronics


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