Polygamy is a man has several wives at the same time, the crime of polygamy marriage basically including the criminal offense violation of civil position under Article 279 of the Criminal Code. In Indonesia, the frequent occurrence of polygamous marriages performed without consent of the first wife. Formulation of the problem: 1) How does the criminal accountability for perpetrators of polygamy in case number: 357/Pid.Sus/2014.PN.PDG? 2) How is the form of criminal sanctions against the perpetrators of the crime of polygamy which is based on falsification of the terms of marriage ?. The method of this research is normative juridical. Source of data is secondary data, secondary data used is the recap verdict number: 357/Pid.Sus/2014.PN.PDG. Data collection techniques used in this research is to study the document. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Results of the study 1) criminal liability criminal polygamy in case no: 357/Pid.Sus/2014.PN.PDG is accused have committed offenses classified in willful misconduct and the defendant in the trial has demonstrated skill and ability in which the defendant has physical and psychological health and defendant arranged and threatened in Article 279 paragraph (1) to-1 of the Criminal Code. 2) The perpetrator of criminal sanctions polygamy in case no: 357/Pid.Sus/2014.PN.PDG polygamy is a criminal sentenced to jail for 1 (one) year 6 (six) months.Key words : Countability, Criminal, Marriage, Poligamy
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C. Sumber Lain
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