The criminal acts of decency that occurred in Padang without exception is also conducted by agents of the State in this case is a ranker of the Military/Army. When TNI ranker committed the crime so who has the authority to conduct investigations is the Military Police. However, in the role as a investigator still do not satisfy the justice for common people. The Issues to be discussed are: (1) Role of the Military Police Military police detachment 1/4 Padang in criminal investigations conducted by the morality of the Indonesian National Army(TNI) ? (2) What are the constraints that faced by Military Police investigators Denpom 1/4 Padang as criminal investigator of moral case which is conducted by Indonesian National Army ( TNI ) ? Juridical sociological research approach using the data that obtained were analyzed qualitatively, the source of data consists of primary data and secondary data with data collection techniques such as interviews and document study. (1) The military police in conducting investigations into criminal acts of moral case is very important where it starts from the administrative investigation to conclude whether the event of a criminal is offense or not has become authority of investigator which is has the mandate of the law. (2) The constraints that have to face to reveal moral cases are the lack of investigator member, the brief of investigating time and the lack of law cognition by common people. Keywords : Role, Military Police, Investigation, DecencyReferences
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