The crime of copyright provisions have been set in the Copyright LowNumber. 19 Year 2002.The offense is still in progress from year to year with various shapes and types, quantity and
quality of copyright that could harm the creator and the wider community. Problems studied
(1) How is the implementation of the proceeds of crime investigation copyright in Sumatra
Regional Police Barat? (2) Is the implementation constraints proceeds of crime investigation
copyright in West Sumatra Regional Police? The method used in this research is the sociojuridical.
Source of data used in the form of primary data and secondary data. Interview data
collection techniques and the study of documents, data is analyzed qualitatively. The results
of the study (1) Implementation of the proceeds of crime investigation copyright in West
Sumatra Regional Police are observation, interviews, searches, seizures of goods and tools
used as a criminal offense (2) Implementation constraints proceeds of crime investigation
copyright in western Sumatra Regional Policeis the lack of communication to the
investigators of the copyright holder, the budget is minimal investigation, expert witnesses,
seek profit sebesarnya. Efforts made law enforcement agencies to anticipate criminal acts of
copyright field is strict punishment, socialization/counseling will UUHC and litigious to
society and academia.
Keywords : Investigation , Crime , Copyright
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