
  • Amdel Dabarnus
  • Poniar Warsono
  • Deswita Rosra


Child is important thing that entrusted by God and must be guarded. The main rights of children are right not to be discriminated,best interest, survival, and development themselves. In other hand, in its development, a child experienced violations of children's rights especially in problem of child trafficking. The violations are cross national boundaries and expanded to an international problem. This case gets a great concern of the General Assembly of United Nations  and on November, 20, 1989 the General Assembly of United Nations authorized children convention. Further, the identificationproblems are what the factor of child trafficking occurance, how the Indonesian state efforts in handling child trafficking, and how the legal protection aspects are related with child trafficking.The prupose of writer in conducting the research is to discover child trafficking factors, to know how Indonesian State in Handling it, and to identify the legal protections that are related to child trafficking. In this observation, writer used socio legal research by doing observation in the field, The data used are primary data and secondary data with interview techniques and study the document, which is in qualitative analysis. Based on the result of research, the child trafficking factors are poverty, low levels of education, culture in society and early marriage. In handling the issues of child trafficking, Indonesian State has made some efforts, such as law No. 37 of 1997, No. 21 of 2007, No. 23 of 2002, and made RSPA  as the temporary home protection for Children. Finally, the legislation regulates aspects of children protection that are related to child trafficking. Yet, the implementation of lawsagainsts the criminals are still very lacking in Indonesia.

Key words: Legal Protection, Child Trafficking, International Laws, and Implementation in Indonesia


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