Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Kredit Dengan Addendum Pembaruan Kredit Pada Bank BRI Unit PemudaPadang


  • M. Anggi Saputra
  • Elyana Novira
  • Suamperi Suamperi




Bank is a business entity that conducts activities in the financial sector by collecting and channeling funds to the community. In the implementation of the bank's lending, people can perform the update addendum credit on credit loan customers. It studied were 1) Are the terms of the amended credit renewal?. 2) What are the obstacles encountered in the implementation of credit renewal addendum? 3) What are the efforts to overcome the obstacles in the implementation of credit renewal addendum?. The method used in this study is that juridical sociological research conducted in the field to obtain primary data through interviews with informants with semi-structured questions aside, I also use secondary data as well as the method of qualitative data analysis. From the results of this study concluded, 1) in the implementation of the amended credit agreement with a credit renewal, in principle, the conditions are not much different from a credit agreement in general, but there are some additional requirements that need to be considered by customers, 2) constraints encountered such non-fulfillment requirements to perform the update addendum credit. 3) Efforts to cope with directing clients to meet the requirements that have been determined by the bank.

Keywords: Bank, Agreement, Addendum


