
  • Ari Hanura
  • Uning Pratimaratri
  • Yetisma Saini


Lubricating oil is an important substance for motor vechile, many kind of lubricating oil revolve in the market, so a driver has many chosen beside that there is a counterfeit lubricating oil in the market. The function of lubricating oil is as cool down, to protect of elastic, cleanser and to cover space on machine partition. The problem Formula: 1) How does the investigating officer role in investigate the criminal act of counterfeiting lubricating oil for motor vechile in Polresta Padang, 2) What are the obstacles that founded by the investigating officer in investigate the criminal act of fuel counterfeiting, a primary data is a data that has gotten through interview by two investigating officers police, a secondary data is a data that has gotten through Polresta Padang office about investigating program news counterfeiting lubricating oil in 2012. The result of research can be concluded: a) The role of investigating officer in investigate the counterfeiting criminal act of fuel, 1) A kind of criminal act that need take in hand case incident place, 2) The system of take in hand case incident place, 3) The process of case incident place, 4)The ending of take in hand case incident place, 5) The making of investigating program news in case incident, b. The obstacle of investigating officer in processing criminal act of fuel counterfeiting: 1) Juridical aspect, 2) Administration aspect, 3) Technical aspect that is lack of skill employee.

Key words: Investigating officer, Lubricating oil, Fuel


A. Buku-buku

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B. Peraturan Perundang-undangan

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C. Sumber Lain

Memerangi Pelumas Palsu, Diakses pada tanggal 23 Juli 2014, Pukul. 22.00. WIB.

Bahan-bahan Pemalsuan Oli,, di akses pada tanggal 15 Juli 2014, Pukul. 23.20. WIB.

Kebijakan Migas di Indonesia, di akses pada tanggal 11 Agustus 2014, Pukul. 23.00. WIB.


