
  • Dian Lusi Marlina Simanjuntak
  • Uning Pratimaratri
  • Syafridatati Syafridatati


Description offender should not be under pressure from any parties in accordance with the provisions of Article 117 Criminal Procedure Code. Criminal psychology is the science that studies the development of the law as the embodiment of the human spirit. Criminal psychology as a science which studies human behavior as a study and see that the law is reflection human behavior. formulation of the problem 1) what is the role of psychology in the criminal investigation process that is associated with Article 117 Criminal Procedure Code in Polsek Lubuk Begalung Padang? 2) what obstacles encountered by investigators in the inspection process by applying criminal psychology associated with Article 117 Criminal Procedure Code in Polsek Lubuk Begalung Padang? This study uses a socio legal approach. data sources include primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used were interviews and document study. data were analyzed qualitatively. Conclusions research (1) the role of psychology in the criminal investigation process that is associated with Article 117 Criminal Procedure Code in Polsek Lubuk Begalung Padang which can determine a suspect is lying or not without any pressure, can determine the health of psychiatric suspect, and could find new evidence. (2) constraints encountered by investigators the inspection process by applying criminal psychology associated with Article 117 Criminal Procedure Code in Polsek Lubuk Begalung Padang is the lack of psychiatry in the police agencies, at least the examination time suspect in the investigation. Keywords: Psychology, Criminal, Investigator, suspect.


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B. Peraturan Perundang-undangan

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