The crime of fraud on credit guarantees it happens between people who are appointed from an institution or of the lender as an intermediary with the debtor by providing loans that are not in accordance with the assurances given to the lender which has been fraudulently between intermediaries and borrowers with the institution of or the lender. In the criminal justice process then the perpetrator of a criminal offence of fraud will be sentenced to imprisonment, namely in accordance with the judge's reasoning and its application in the courts. Formulation of the problem: (1) Whether the basis of consideration for judges in meting out punishment against the collateral of credit fraud is a criminal offence in the lawsuit number 345/Pid. B/2014/PN. PDG? (2) How is the application of a criminal who was dropped by the judge against the criminal acts of fraud against the credit guarantee in the matter number 345/Pid. B/2014/PN. PDG?. The research approach used is a normative approach. The data source used secondary data sources that include primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary. Techniques of data collection, namely the study of the document. Data analysis in the form of qualitative analysis. A summary of research: (1) the consideration of judges in meting out punishment that is in accordance with the information of the defendant, witnesses and evidence in the docket number 345/Pid. B/2014/PN. PDG (2) application of the criminal who dropped by the judge were in accordance with the provisions in Article 378 of the Criminal Code and the considerations that relieve against the defendants. Keywords: judge, ruling, scams, creditReferences
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B. Perundang-undangan
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