Pedestrians are protected in law No. 22 of 2009 about traffic and Road Transport Section 106 subsection (2) but in the fact that pedestrians often become victims of traffic offenders for not heeding then Act No. 22 of 2009 about traffic and road transport has been set up in article 284 jo 310 subsection (4). Formulation of the problem: (1) how does the application of the law to traffic offenders who threaten the safety of pedestrians in the Polresta Desert? (2) Apaka h constraints encountered by the police in the implementation of the law for traffic offenders who threaten the safety of pedestrians in the Polresta Desert? This research uses the juridical sociological approach, and data sources in the form of primary data and secondary data. Engineering data collection with interviews and study documents. The data were analysed qualitatively. The results of this study are: 1) the application of the law to traffic offenders who threaten the safety of pedestrians in Polresta Steppe begins with the process of investigation, namely: the public report, officers went to the scene, helping to secure the scene, the victim, a suspect, though the scene, secure evidence, crime scene sketches, and photographs of the scene, then conducted investigation and filings with securities 2) constraints encountered in the implementation of the law for traffic offenders who threaten the safety of pedestrians in Polresta the field, namely: the suspect fled, witnesses and the lack of the role of the community and the number of members Polantas less. Keyword: Application, Law, Traffic, PedestriansReferences
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Sumber Lain:
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