Pelaksanaan Pemberian Garansi Bank Pada PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Cabang Padang Terhadap PT Eksekutif Putra Utama Padang
ABSTRACT ÂIn today's modern world, the role of banks in advancing a very large country, almost all sectors related to financial activities always require the services of a bank. For an entrepreneur, in business require capital in order to run or expand its business. Bank guarantee is a guarantee provided by a bank, which guarantees bank customers (guaranteed) to fulfill an obligation, which is guaranteed in the future if it did not fulfill its obligation to the other party in accordance with the agreement. Formulation of the problem is 1) how the implementation of the provision on the Bank Guarantee PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia PT Persero Padang branch to the Executive Putra Utama? 2) What are the obstacles encountered in the provision of Bank Guarantee on PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia PT Persero Padang branch of the Executive Putra Utama? This type of research is juridical sociological. Data sources include primary data and secondary data. Data were obtained through interviews and document study. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively. It can be concluded 1) Implementation of the Granting Guarantee Bank, PT. Executive Putra Utama Padang apply to PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Padang Branch eligible predetermined by PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Padang branch. 2) Obstacles encountered is the determination of a default, if the debtor filed for bankruptcy, and the release of all the privileges. Keywords: Bank Guarantee, Guarantee opponent.