Gugatan Tidak Dapat Diterima Atau Niet Ontvankelijkverklaard (N.O) Dalam Praktiknya Di Pengadilan Negeri Klas 1A Padang
ABSTRAKÂ ÂPreparation of a lawsuit in a civil case plays an important role in the process of proving, if a lawsuit is prepared or submitted to the court did not fulfill the formal requirements of a lawsuit the consequences that the lawsuit will be declared unacceptable. In this study the formulation of the problem, namely 1). reason law whether that causes an unacceptable claim? 2). how legal consequences of the verdict stating a claim is unacceptable? 3). effort law whether that can be achieved claimant against the judge's decision that states a claim can not be accepted ?. The method used is the juridical sociological form of primary data results of interviews with judges and clerks. Based on research legal reasons that cause unacceptable lawsuit is 1). The reason tort plaintiff inconsistent contradictions, between fundamentum petendi with conflicting petition in posita lawsuit. 2). the legal consequences of the verdict which states the lawsuit unacceptable judges no longer consider the material or subject matter. 3). Legal remedies against the decision of the judge who declared an unacceptable plaintiffs claim more frequent or re-filed to the District Court. Â
Keywords: Lawsuit, Court Decisions, Claims unacceptable Â