1 Pelaksanaan Tugas Dan Wewenang Jaksa Sebagai Pengacara Negara Dalam Perkara Gugatan Uang Pengganti Tindak Pidana Korupsi Melalui Surat Kuasa Khusus Di Pengadilan Negeri Kelas 1b Pariaman
ABSTRAK ÂInsurance is a form of risk transfer. In addition to the bond itself, the insurance may also be made to third parties, as was done by the diaspora Padang which insure visitors as a third party insurance company PT. Prog Son Branch Padang. The formulation of the problem are: 1) How is the implementation of the insurance agreement between the diaspora with PT. Prog Son Branch Padang? 2) How is the implementation of an accident insurance claim filing visitors? 3) What constraints faced in the implementation of the agreement ?. This type of research is juridical sociological research using primary data and secondary data in the form of interviews and document study and data analysis technique is qualitative descriptive analysis technique. From the results it can be concluded (1) insurance agreements held since 2014, as long as there is agreement 4 (four) cases of accidents visitors who get compensation by PT. Prog Son. (2) For filing a claim, the manager who submitted to the insurance company. (3) Constraints encountered is the manager forgot to pay a premium, so the insurer late pay claims Â
Keywords:Â state attorney, lawsuit, money substitutes, corruption