
  • Arif Budiman
  • Syafridatati Syafridatati
  • Deaf Wahyuni Ramadhani


Traffic and road transport has an important role in the development and strategic and national integration as an effort to advance the welfare of umumakan but there is a problem in the traffic because many traffic violations give rise to sacrifice either casualties or victims of the property so that it needs Polantas in curbing this traffic. Formulation of the problem (1) how is the role of Polantas to reduce the number of deaths on the highway through the city of Padang on raids? (2) whether the constraints that are found by Polantas in conducting raids to reduce the death toll in a highway in the city of Padang. The research approach used Sociological, Juridical data sources includes sources of primary data and secondary data sources. The technique of data collection is interviews and study documents. Data analysis in the form of qualitative analysis. A summary of research results (1) the role of the Polantas to reduce the number of deaths on the highway through raziadiKo ... Traffic and road transport has an important role in the development and strategic and national integration as an effort to advance the welfare of umumakan but there is a problem in the traffic because many traffic violations give rise to sacrifice either casualties or victims of the property so that it needs Polantas in curbing this traffic. Formulation of the problem (1) how is the role of Polantas to reduce the number of deaths on the highway through the city of Padang on raids? (2) whether the constraints that are found by Polantas in conducting raids to reduce the death toll in a highway in the city of Padang. The research approach used Sociological, Juridical data sources includes sources of primary data and secondary data sources. The technique of data collection is interviews and study documents. Data analysis in the form of qualitative analysis. A summary of research results (1) the role of the Polantas to reduce the number of deaths on the highway through raziadi Kota Padang.

Keyward : Traffic, Death, Road, Razia


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B. Perundang-undangan

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C. Sumber Lain

Edo Rusyanto, GelaranOperasi Zebra Jelang Natal danTahunBaru, zebra

Edo Rusyanto,, Tingkat Kecelakaan di Polresta Padang Melalui Operasi Zebra Tahun 2013.

Harian, Tingkat Kecelakaan di Polresta Padang Melalui Operasi Zebra Tahun 2013. diaksespada 3desember 2014


