
  • Rudi Rismanto Putera
  • Uning Pratimaratri
  • Rianda Seprasia


Involving drug abuse among teenagers in the city of Padang is constantly increasing. The narcotics crime prevention efforts not only by means of repressive law enforcement, and also with non-penal preventive efforts. Formulation of the problem which the author adopted are: (1) How is the response to drug abuse among adolescents? (2) What are the obstacles in the fight against drug abuse among teenagers? (3) How can the efforts to overcome obstacles to the implementation of drug abuse prevention efforts among young people? The research used socio legal approach. Data sources used include the source of primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques are interviews and examining documents. Data were analyzed qualitatively. From the research, it can be concluded (1) Police efforts in the prevention of drug abuse among teenagers in the city of Padang not only in the form of action, but it is also the most important effort done is prevention or preventive. (2) Constraints faced by police officers is the number of members less, the leaking of information when going on a raid, people's fears, as well as the limitations of transport (3) Efforts are being made to overcome these constraints, the police must work in a professional manner and cooperate with the others, such as BNN Padang. Keywords: Poverty, Abuse, Narcotic, Youth.


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B. PeraturanPerundang-Undangan

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C. Sumber Lain

Kompas Online, Pelajar Di Urutan Kedua Pengguna Narkoba, http://hai-online.com/Hai2015/Skulizm/SkulizmNews/Pelajar Di Urutan Kedua Pengguna Narkoba,

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Posmetro Padang Online, Kota Padang Pengguna Narkoba Tertinggi di Sumatra Barat, http://hai-online.com/2014/Posmetropadang.com.


