Corruption is a criminal act that causes harm to the state. Not only the loss of state but also hamper national development, it is necessary to confiscation of the wealth of suspected proceeds of corruption. The goal is to secure a confiscation order not to be moved so that a deterrent effect against perpetrators of corruption, as provided for in Article 39 of the Criminal Procedure Code of foreclosure. Formulation of the problem 1) How is the implementation of the seizure of evidence by the prosecution against the suspect richness corruption cases in Padang? 2) What are the barriers faced by prosecutors in the execution of confiscation of the wealth of evidence against suspected corruption cases in Padang? The approach used is the socio legal approach. Sources of data are primary data and secondary data. Data were collected by interview and documentary study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Conclusions of the study are: 1) The seizure of evidence of the wealth of suspected cases of corruption committed by the State Attorney Padang is in conformity with the provisions contained in the Criminal Procedure Code and the storage of evidence is the responsibility of the State Attorney Padang 2) Barriers experienced prosecutors in the execution of confiscation the wealth of evidence against suspects is property assets of suspects have been camouflaged, where wealth has been in the form of cash or a bank account, limited human resources and budget constraints.Keywords: Foreclosure, Evidence, the Prosecutor, Corruption ÂReferences
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