Law No. 2 of 2002 on the Police covers the maintenance of public order and safety, order and the rule of law. However, the efforts of the police in combating gambling not reduce gambling in the city of Padang, because there are many gambling and gambling conducted the community conducted a hidden and rarely known by the police, then the efforts of non-penal is a preventive measure taken by the police before gambling grown widely. Problems to be addressed are: (1) How can the non-penal efforts undertaken by the Police of Padang in combating the crime of gambling? (2) Are the constraints found Padang Police in combating the crime of gambling through the efforts of non penal? This study used socia legal approach, and used primary and secondary. Data collected by interview onservation and documentary study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Conclusions of the study: (1) The efforts gambling through non-penal namely: supervision rigorous, Doing appeal to the public, Reactivate siskamling, Cooperating with community and religious leaders in the form of socialization in mosques and lectures and Socialization through media banners (2 ) Obstacles Faced ie legal culture of society does not support, lack of community participation, lack of cost, infrastructure of the police, Form gambling is surreptitious, participants in the gambling always moving, and the existence of rogue police who provide information on the operation by the Police.
Keywords: Effort, Non Penal, Police, Gambling
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B. PeraturanPerundang-undangan
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C. Sumber Lain
Dimaslova’S blog, Karya Ilmiah Upaya Penanggulangan, http://dimaslova.wordpress.com.
Minang Online, Upaya Polisi Dalam Menekan Jumlah Aktivitas Judi Di Kota Padang, http//Minang.com/38650/ Upaya-Polisi-Dalam-Menekan-Jumlah-Aktivitas-Judi-Di-Kota-Padang.
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