Payment transactions using checks has become commonly used by the people of Padang. Check the settings contained in Article 178 KUHD which also regulates the terms of a letter of formal checks. Through payment by check can occur criminal fraud with a blank check. Based on Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. May 16, 1975 SE 8/7 UPPB, is a blank check is a check that is submitted to the bank but the bank customer funds are insufficient to pay the relevant checks letter. In the case of criminal fraud investigators with police checks have an important role in conducting the investigation. Investigation is investigating a series of actions in terms and manner set forth in the Act to seek and gather evidence that occurred and to find the suspect. The formulation of the issues discussed are: 1) How is the investigation of criminal fraud with checks at the Police Padang? 2) What are the constraints faced by investigators in investigating criminal fraud with checks at the Police Padang?. This type of research used in this research is socio legal research methods (Socio Legal Research). Data used include primary data and secondary data. Data were obtained through interviews and document study. From the results of this study concluded that the investigation of criminal fraud with checks at the Police Padang are: 1) The police report 2) Research 3) Investigation 4) Arrest 5) shakedown 6) Detention 7) Seizure 8) Filing 9) Submission of case files. In the course of the investigation there are some constraints, namely: 1) the witness is not present in the process of examination 2) The suspect fled 3) The evidence is not quite 4) It is difficult to present key witnesses.
Keywords: Investigation, Crime, Fraud, Blank Checks
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