The probe is set in Article 1 point 2 Code of Criminal Procedure and Investigation Children arranged in sections 41 and 42 of the Act of the Court. The investigation of criminal acts of murder set in Article 338 of the Criminal Code to Article 340. In 2011 until April 2015, there was 1 case of criminal acts of killing children in jurisdictions Polsek Koto Tangah. Based on the investigation, and the evidence of the victim's family informed enough, unit Reskrim Polsek Koto Tangah secured the suspect in the area of Solok Regency Angek Aia Pariputan. Problems on the research is 1) How is the implementation of the investigation against the perpetrator of the crime as murder at Polsek Koto Tangah, 2) Whether the obstacles faced in the probe against the perpetrator of the criminal offence as at Polsek Koto Tangah. This research uses the sociological legal approach, and data sources in the form of primary data and secondary data. The data obtained by interviewing and study documents. The data were analyzed qualitatively. From research it can be concluded that: the process of investigation as the perpetrator of the criminal offence of murder, namely: Community report received by the officer on duty, officers went to the Scene, securing the scene, identification and evacuation of casualties, though the scene, secure evidence, Crime Scene sketches, and photographs of the scene, the suspect status, conducted investigation and filings with securities. Constraints were found, though the scene, witnesses, families and parenting, mentoring Correctional Hall.
Keywords: Investigation, The Child, The Perpetrator, Murd.
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