
  • Purwanto Johansyah YC YC



The child is interested to enter the motorcycle gang because of several factors such as the desire to be recognized by peers, leisure time, a means of channeling the expression, showing the existence of self and make children feel safe and comfortable in the mix. Motorcycle gang committing a crime such as theft (Article 362 of the Criminal Code), theft with violence (Article 365 paragraph 1, 2, and 3 of the Criminal Code), torture (Article 351 paragraph 1, 2, 3 of the Criminal Code), destruction of goods (Article 406 paragraph 1 and 2 of the Criminal Code), murder (Article 338 of the Criminal Code), rape (Article 285 of the Criminal Code). Combating the criminal act carried out preventive (prevention) and repression (repression) by the Police Pekanbaru. Formulation of the problem 1) how is the effort made by the Police Pekanbaru in combating criminal offenses committed by children Klewang motorcycle gang members? 2) Are the obstacles encountered Pekanbaru Police in combating criminal offenses committed by gang members Motor Klewang children? The approach used sociolegal research, data sources derived from primary data and secondary data, data collection techniques used were interviews and document study the data was analyzed qualitatively. From the study it can be concluded that: a) Efforts made by the Police Pekanbaru in tackling the criminal offenses committed by children Klewang motorcycle gang members do with preventive and repressive efforts. b) Constraint encountered Pekanbaru Police in tackling the criminal offenses committed by children Klewang motorcycle gang members as perpetrators Geng Motor Klewang are minors, movement moving, unidentified, the activities carried out at night, human resources Pekanbaru Police inadequate, lack of socialization on combating motorcycle gang.


Kata Kunci: Polisi, Tindak Pidana, Anak, Geng Motor



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B. Perundang-undangan

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C. Sumber Lain

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