Recall is defined as the process of withdrawal of members of the representative body of the people to be dismissed and replaced over time with other members before the end of tenure of members who are drawn. Recall currently regulated in Law No. 17 of 2014. The role of politics and the political configuration of the law in the era of reform in this very act which, if connected withthe implementation of popular sovereignty interesting to study more deeply, the authors conducted a study, related to the problem recall that occurred in Indonesia with the formulation of the problem as follows: 1. How is the recall members of Parliament by political parties in Indonesia, 2. How is regulation recall members of Parliament by a political party in Indonesia, 3. How Political Law recall settings by political parties against House of Representatives in Indonesia of a new Order until after the Reformation. The research methodthat I use is normative data sources of primary law, secondary, tertiary related to politics recall settings by political parties for the legislature in Indonesia. Conclusion: In the process of recall Orde Baru Era to Reformation Era, regulation researched quite varied because recall in Orde Baru era, the  members were replaced by the ABRI or Golkar, whereas in the reformation era to the present members of the House that in recall, replaced by members of the party and the same constituency , based on the ultimate sound after candidates will be in recall .Keywords: Law Political, Recall, House fo Representative MembersReferences
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