A gallon of water refill drinking water consumed by the people because it is practical, hygienic, and affordability. For that we need the supervision of the government. From the description above raised the question that is 1) how the application of supervision on the production of drinking water in order to provide legal protection for consumers in the city of Pariaman, 2) what are the constraints faced in the implementation of supervision over the production of drinking water in order to provide legal protection for consumers in the city of Pariaman , 3) efforts to overcome the obstacles faced in the implementation of supervision over the production of drinking water in order to provide legal protection for consumers in Pariaman. The method used is the juridical sociological, data from the primary data and secondary data by using data collection through interviews and document study, data analysis using a qualitative approach. From the results of the study showed that: 1) the application of monitoring done by sumpling or decision as well as the water quality checks are conducted twice a year. 2) the constraints faced is the examination of water to a laboratory sumpling still expect from the health service, because the cost of expensive laboratory tests, 3) efforts to overcome obstacles in the implementation is to provide guidance and supervision, provide a letter of reprimand and revoke the business license.
Keywords: supervision, production, Water galons
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