Bank plays an important role in people's needs. It can be seen from the goal is to satisfy the credit needs. Banks also served to collect funds from the community and distribute those funds to borrowers who have an impact on the smooth running of the economy. Credit under section 1 point 11 is a provision of the bill. Based on the above, the description in this thesis are: 1) What is the cause of bad loans at Bank Nagari. 2) How does the execution of the auction encumbrance as settlement of bad loans in the Bank Nagari. 3) What are the constraints and the efforts made by the Bank for the execution of the auction as a settlement of the loan stalled. The method used is descriptive sociological juridical conducted to obtain primary data through interviews and the results obtained are presented descriptively. From the results of the study authors it can be seen that: 1) The cause of bad debts due to internal factors (creditors) and external factors (debtor). 2) The execution of the auction at the Bank Nagari done through KP2LN having authority in the execution of the auction. 3) Obstacles encountered the Bank in the execution of the auction is the deal price dropped below the market price of the collateral, then the effort given by the Bank to provide an explanation of the rules set KP2LN.
Keywords: Agreements, Execution, Auctions, Mortgage, Bad Debt
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