Divorce give effect to the division of property acquired at the time of the marriage occurred or better known as joint property, in the process division of common property can not be done peacefully by both parties but by way of legal proceedings in court. In the implementation of the division of joint property in the Religious done, so keen to study. Formulation of the problem that I researched are: a. how the implementation of the division of joint property due to divorce in the Religious Class 1 A Padang, b. Whether consideration of the judge in the settlement and decide on the division of joint property due to divorce, c. What constraints in the division of joint property due to divorce. The research method I use is the socio-juridical, ie field research to obtain primary data and then analyze and explain in sentences. Based on the results of the study authors to conclude that the implementation of the division of joint property in the Religious Class 1A Padang is the same as the inspection measures other civil cases. In the case of joint property for taking the decision, the judge see the evidence submitted by the plaintiff and the defendant, and based on the rule of law.
Keywords : Implementation, division, Treasure Together
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