International conflict between Israel and the Palestinians that occurred in the year 2014 affect and influential for international peace and order. In the conflict between Palestine and Israel became the responsibility of the UN as contained in Article 1 of the UN Charter and aims to create international peace and security, avoid generation that will come from the war, promote respect for human rights and encourage countries to resolve conflicts with friendly way. The formulation of the problem: (1)How International dispute settlement according to the UN Charter? (2)how the settlement of international dispute in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Gaza Strip?. The research approach of the normative approach. The source of the data using the secondary data source that includes the Primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary preventive measures. The technique of data collection is a study of the document. Data Analysis Qualitative analysis form. Based on the research results: (1)intenasional dispute settlement in the charter Of The United Nations completed with peaceful means in accordance with Article 33 of the UN Charter and the Security Council has the responsibility of primary responsibility in maintaining international peace and security in accordance with Article 24 paragraph (1) of the UN Charter. (2)Palestinian-israeli international dispute settlement in the Gaza Strip is done by the UN Security Council Resolution No. 181 Years 2014 and through direct negotiations such as the withdrawal of the Israeli army in the Occupied Territories in Gaza and the problem of the exchange of the captivity. While the indirect negotiations to reach an agreement regarding the region, and dismissal settlement of Israel in the Gaza Strip.
Key Words: Conflict, Palestine-Israel, Gaza, the UN Charter.References
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