Everyone is prohibited from using the land without permission is entitled to a legitimate power. It is regulated in Article 6 paragraph (1) Law Number 51 Year 1960 regarding the prohibition of PRP land use without permission or their proxies are entitled. The issues raised in this study were: (1) how does the process of law enforcement against criminal control of land without permission is eligible. (2) What are the obstacles encountered by investigators in the interrogation of criminal possession of land without permission are eligible (3) What efforts will be undertaken investigators in overcoming obstacles in the investigation process against the perpetrators. This study using socio legal approach. This study used primary data and secondary data. Data were obtained from interviews and document study. Data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that: (1) Law enforcement tehadap offender who committed the crime of possession of land without a permit is entitled to do with the investigation quickly. (2) The constraints faced by investigators in the interrogation of the perpetrator is case is incomplete and does not comply loaded formal. (3) the efforts made by investigators in overcoming obstacles in the investigation process against the perpetrators is to coordinate and notify the defendant and witnesses about the time and place of the hearing either orally or in writing.
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D. Sumber Lain
Andi Akbar Muzfa, unsur-unsur tindak pidana, /search?= unsur-unsur + tindak + pidana&ie, diakses pada tanggal 16 Mei 2015.
La Rusman, Unsur-Unsur Tindak Pidana, = unsur-unsur + tindak + pidana&ie, diakses tanggal 16 Mei 2015.