The train is one type of ground transportation considerable public interest. This makes train in Indonesia instead of getting better, but even more alarming. Problems crossbar crossings already provided for in Article 125 of Law Number 23 Year 2007 on Railways. Such as accidents in Alai region Parak Coffee, Padang, a Terios car was hit by a train wrecked majors Padang-Pariaman at railroad crossings. The problem of this study are : 1) How is the implementation of an investigation by the Police Koto Tangah violations train wreck? 2) Are the constraints faced in the implementation of an investigation by the Police Police Koto Tangah against violations of railway accidents ?. Research using socio legal approach, data source in the form of primary data and secondary data. Data collected by interviews and documentary study. Data was Analyzed qualitatively. Conclusion The results of the study: 1) The process of investigation of railway accidents in police Koto Tangah namely, public reports, police officers went to the crime scene (TKP), secure crime scenes, identification and evacuation, carried out crime scene, secure evidence, sketch the scene, crime scene photos. The investigation process begins examination of witnesses who witnessed the scene, the driver and doorman railroad crossings. In the case of a train accident is no filing or investigation report (BAP). 2) constraints investigators in the implementation of the railway accident investigation in the police Koto Tangah namely; a. Hustle crime scene (the scene); b. Determination of the suspect; c. Witness Examination.
Keywords: Investigation, Violations, Accidents, Train
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